Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Responsibility and Accountability

So, I've said I have a lot of shit on my mind lately, and that is very true. I have found myself wondering why people do certain things and also about the people in their lives that enable them to do the things they do. I'm not going to get detailed on this one or mention any names, because frankly it will just piss me off even more.

I think we all know those types of people that are constantly screwing up, fucking someone over, doing some dirt. Somehow, some of these people NEVER have to answer for the stuff they do. It's a cycle for them. They don't just do the shit once. It's an over and over again kind of thing. Everyone around them knows they are wrong for it, but people just turn a blind eye to it and carry on as if nothing is wrong. Frankly, I think it makes those side-liners just as responsible for the dirt as the person committing the offense. Am I wrong? Am I crazy?

    I've had people say to me "Oh, so and so has always been like that." So, that tells me that they just accept the dirt as 'how it is' and they keep on trucking. Sorry, but I don't get down like that. I can't just ACCEPT that it's okay to go around jacking shit up and hurting other people. I don't think it's alright to be allowed to do that and never have to answer for it or give a REAL apology for the things done that have hurt someone else.

I have done a lot of wacked out shit in my life but I have made peace with all my past demons and I can say I have learned my lessons and grown from the things that have transpired in my life. I've grown the hell up. It IS a shame it took me as long as it did to realize that some of my decisions weren't the greatest, and I have messed up a lot. I paid dearly for a lot of my indiscretions. I have lost a lot that I won't ever be able to get back. The key was learning from it and knowing that I couldn't travel those roads  anymore.

Some people don't ever get to that point though, do they?  Do we know why? I think so. I think they don't ever change because they aren't REQUIRED to. All the key players in their world just overlook all the foolishness and fuckery. They just react to all the dirt as if it is nothing more than mere normalcy. THEY should be just as accountable. How can they sit there and say they just don't understand why so and so is the way they are? Are you kidding me? YOU help them be that way! It's as if you are standing there with a big sign that says "I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO DO WRONG."  Do you really expect a person to change when most everyone they know acts as if nothing is amiss?

I've waited a long time to see the change in a number of people, and I have finally realized that it is never going to come. I've done the time in certain situations, wondering when the sun would finally shine through the dark clouds overhead. I was hopeful, and filled with faith. I have finally realized that my faith is sadly misplaced a lot. I have wasted a lot of years waiting for changes that were never going to come. I am thoroughly upset with myself right now as I sit here thinking about it.

I have been in situations where I deserved soooooo much more than I was getting and thought that if I just hung in there....just a while longer...I would eventually see my hopes and wants come to fruition. I was wrong. As long as some people have their posse of enablers always close at hand, their worlds will never change. I DO know that one day, the enablers will no longer be there, and those people are going to be left all alone...wondering where everyone went. I will almost feel sorry for them in THAT moment, for it could have all been avoided. So much pain and distress could be completely obliterated if people would just KEEP IT REAL. Whatever happened to that thing called honesty?

I hope for the sake of a few people that I care about that their enablers wake up and realize that they are doing more of a DISSERVICE to these people than helping. Let a person stand on their own two feet for a change. They NEED to be able to do that now....or the future is going to be a rude awakening.

1 comment:

No Labels said...

I definitely agree with all you've said here.