Saturday, June 25, 2011

~30 Days of Truth~ DAY 2: Something you love about yourself.

I know a lot of people can't see it, but I've always been kind of a "Debbie Downer". I've suffered from depression for a lot of years. I've been through a ton of stuff that (after the fact) I realized would have brought down some of the strongest people out there. I hide a lot of what I'm going through pretty well. I don't even know how I taught myself to do that. I guess I just felt that just because I wasn't doing too well, I didn't want the people around me to ever have to experience that. I've always been the "clown" or the comedian of the group. Even at my roughest moments, it brought me a lot of internal joy to know that I could bring a smile to another person's face. It made me feel so good inside knowing that I could make someone laugh, despite the personal clouds I might have been experiencing.

What do I love about myself? I love being ME. I love being a good person. I enjoy the fact that when someone I'm close to needs me, that I can find a way to be there for them, no matter what I'm going through. I like the fact that somehow, after everything that's ever happened to me, I can somehow STILL manage to try to find the good in everyone that I cross paths with. I love being able to forgive people who have wronged me, and forgive myself for mistakes I've made in life. I love being able to wake up every morning, and have yet another chance to change myself for the better.

While I am the first to admit that I'm FAR from perfect, I love knowing that I'm real. I'm honest, caring, loyal to a fault, and just an all around good woman; that I think anyone would be lucky to have in their life. I hope that doesn't sound too conceited. It really isn't meant to come across that way. It's taken me a very LONG time to be able to say these things about myself. I've overcome a very low self image that I had for most of my childhood and into my high school years. Though I know there's still a lot about myself that I need to work on, I'm finally happy with the woman I turned out to be.


The God'ess said...

Yay...nothing like loving yourself.

No Labels said...

Yes, indeed!