Tuesday, June 28, 2011

~30 Days of Truth~ DAY 5: Something you hope to do in your life.

This is totally going to be the easiest entry I ever type. At this point in my life, my MAIN concern is to get back to working and go back to school. I have started so many things in my life and never finished a damn thing. It's time to get my shit together and do what I should have had accomplished YEARS ago. I want a degree! I know that nowadays there's people out there with more than one degree and can't find work, but I'd like to have it anyway. I need to prove to myself and a few other people that I'm not as worthless as some people think.

I've been to school for criminal justice, paralegal, and the last time, it was to be a massage therapist. I'm the fucking Queen of starting something but never finishing it. That is going to change as soon as I can make it possible. I'm always online and I'm good with computers, so I am going back for a degree in IT.. It will most likely be programming or something along those lines. I am a smart person and I always have been. I've made good grades in everything in school. It's time to put this brain to some good use. I'm currently unemployed which is fucking PAINFUL, but I've done this paycheck to paycheck life for years, and it's so old. I can't do it anymore. I want to be able to have a decent life and now that I'm back in my kids' lives, I want to be able to have something to show for the life I lead. If I do nothing else in my life....I want to one day be able to make my children proud of me!

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