Sunday, June 19, 2011


I woke up this morning and was in a pretty good mood, which is saying something, coming from me. It's amazing how sometimes all it takes is ONE person to totally fuck up your day. That is what happened to me. Thinking about that particular incident has spawned this blog. I've actually been wanting to write this for a little while already, but every time I've sat down to put words on the screen, nothing comes out. I seriously hate the whole "writer's block" thing. It appears that in my case, it usually takes something bad happening or someone pissing me right the fuck off, to get my creative juices flowing. Oh well, whatever it takes, right? new topic....BITCHES! We all know people like this. For the purposes of this blog, I will say that in some cases, the word bitches isn't reserved just for females.

This type thinks they should be in control of everything under the sun. They tend to believe they are the greatest thing since sliced bread, and that they are above everyone else. You can usually peg this type of person by the way they talk. There always seems to be a condescending undertone to everything they say. In my experience, these types are usually well educated and for some reason think that makes them better than the average person. I'd like to personally rip off the heads of people like this and shit down their necks! Moving on......

This type of person isn't happy unless they have all the attention from everyone around them. They will do anything necessary to gain the attention of whatever "subject" they desire. They are, in my opinion, the most pathetic of the bitch types. They don't usually care who gets knocked down or hurt on their journey to their ultimate goal. In the end, this type usually ends up getting OWNED by Karma (which is always amusing).

This type most definitely can be either male of female. I've known drama queens from both sexes. They create chaos and confusion everywhere they go, and I'm pretty sure the majority of it is always intentional. (At the same time, some of them are so used to it, that it's just become habit and they might not even realize they're doing it anymore). This type tends to whine and cry like little babies whenever they don't get their way. They also do things to deflect the negative attention away from themselves. It usually ends up being centered on someone who didn't actually deserve it. This type also shares other titles. (See above : attention whore)

I'm quite sure there are more than just these 3 types of bitches. They are, however, the ones I tend to encounter the most. It would be completely awesome, in my opinion, if we could just take all the bitches we know and drop their asses off on a tiny deserted island somewhere and let them drive each other fucking crazy. The world would be a much easier place to live in if we could. If there is a God, one day I will devise a plan to make such a thing happen. Then again, I'm thinking a gorgeous deserted island might be too good for some of these bitches. I think I just came up with a better place for them !  ;)

Whatever type of bitches you're forced to deal with on a daily basis, I hope you are fortunate to find a way to deal with them that works for YOU. Stay strong my fellow bitch haters. I'm confident that one day, we will find the means to rid the world of these nuisances....FOREVA!  ;)

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