Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day???....

Before I get into the actual guts of this blog, I WOULD like to say Happy Father's Day to all the amazing Dads I know out there, AND the Moms I know that have no choice but to be BOTH. I hope that every last one of you has the most awesome day possible. Enjoy every precious second you have with your babies, because as we all know, tomorrow isn't promised to any of us.

I was adopted when I was 2 months old. I kind of feel like I should give a hearty Happy Father's Day to my biological father, since without his help, I wouldn't even be here. Wherever you are today Allan Brock, thank you for getting me here. I truly wish that things had been different once we met, and that you would have liked to have an ongoing relationship with your only child. Unfortunately for me, things didn't end up the way I would have liked.

Of course, I knew before today that this isn't my favorite day. I don't have anyone that I can say Happy Father's Day to other than my male friends with children. I DO have an adoptive father, but I can't even say it to him. In his eyes, I am the black sheep of the family. The child who has always done everything against his wishes or the way HE would have done everything. It's sad really. I used to be Daddy's girl for a long time. That all changed about the time I realized I had my own mind and decided it was time to use it. That "Daddy's Girl" business flew right out the window. It was as if, to him, I'd sprouted three heads and tentacles. Now, we don't even speak, because no matter what I do, it's not good enough. I'll never be what he had hoped I would when they made the decision to adopt me. There's nothing worse than having to hear that you wouldn't have been that chosen baby, if they'd known exactly how you'd turn out.

Luckily for me, I made the decision to just be happy with myself, no matter what anyone else's thoughts or opinions about me are. I can't live my entire life wishing things were different with the parental units. That's a long time to be worried about something that isn't ever going to change. I'm sure he's wondering if either of his children will be calling to wish him a Happy Dads Day. Maybe my little butt kisser of a brother will come through for him. LOL. I'm sure he's positive he'll hear absolutely nothing from me. It's been this way for years, so he should be used to it.

I will have to be content with letting all my amazing male friends know they are appreciated on this day. There are quite a few of them that are most definitely amazing. They will have to fill in that hole in my life that I shouldn't have to be experiencing anyway. So, Happy Father's Day guys! May this day spent with your babies bring you every bit of happiness you want and deserve. 

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