Saturday, July 9, 2011

30 Day Love / Truth Challenge DAY 17: Young Love...Is it Real?

Yes, I DO believe young people can fall and love and it be the real thing. I mean, really, who is to say what is real and what isn't anyway? No one knows exactly what another person is feeling inside to start with. Only the person with the feelings can ever really know that. I've heard many stories of young love over the years and even had my own experience with it. I actually think that the younger some people are when they fall in love for the first time, the more painful it can be. Our first loves are some scary business. You wake up and realize you have all these feelings tumbling around inside that you don't know what to do with. I've heard stories of people who met when they were small children and somehow ended up together down the line. Those are always awesome ones.

My young love experience, for me, was sort of fairytale-ish to start with. I, being the unpopular girl, somehow managed to fall in love with a guy from the "cool side". A guy that could have had any woman he wanted back then, and chose to hang out with me. THAT FREAKING RAWKS! To be honest, the popular people back in the day weren't even ones that I'd want to be "friends" with, much less date or fall in love with. It turns out though, that he was a pretty amazing character once I got to know him. It's funny how that happens, isn't it? When you take the time to turn a few pages, you find you'd have been wrong if you had opted to judge the book by its cover.

My young love was so real and intense for me, that I was in love with him for a couple years after things fell apart between us. I never forgot about him though, and he had a HUGE impact on my life. Even with the way things ended between us, I wouldn't trade a single second I spent with him and wouldn't have wanted any other first love. He was sweet, kind, and caring, and completely gentle with me when the time came for him to be. What was a highly embarrassing moment in my life, was made so much better by the kindness and gentleness he showed me.

♥Such a blessing that some feelings never fade.♥

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