Wednesday, July 6, 2011

~30 Days of Truth DAY 10: Someone you NEED to let go, or wish you didn't know.

It's really crazy how so many of the people I have been writing about in these entries can be found in other entries I've done. It's like they fit into more than one. (I've had it pointed out to me that I'm writing about a lot of  the same things, just in different ways. I know this, but that's just how it happens sometimes.) Everything in life seems to overlap. It's all just a big circle.

I think I should say that there isn't ANYONE that I wish I didn't know. Every contact you have with different people adds something to the person you are. Granted, what it adds might not always be something great, and some people affect us more or less than others.

That being said, I wish I was able to let go of a number of people in my life that prove to me just how much they DON'T care. There ARE several of them. I'm there for them no matter what, but that isn't returned...EVER. I won't name their names, just because I feel it would be redundant. Plus, if any of them ever read this, they will KNOW who they are. Those that take and never give, know EXACTLY who they are. I feel sorry for them too....because it's really most definitely THEIR loss and not mine.

I'm not here to be a part of anyone's life when it's merely convenient for them. You're either a part of my life, a real human being who deserves to be there...or you're not. Choose wisely.

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