Saturday, July 9, 2011

30 Day Love / Truth Challenge DAY 18: The ♥ Triangle! Desire Me? Who? Wha?

I've unfortunately been at the center of a couple of these bad boys. It's great to be loved...sure! It sucks, however, when there's more than one person at a time carrying around feelings for you. Some might think that wouldn't suck, but for me, I have never enjoyed anything less. In those situations, someone always gets hurt and anyone that truly knows me, knows that there's nothing I hate more than hurting another person. (I don't want to be hurt by anyone, so WHY would I want to be the one causing the pain?)
There's always one of them that just can't tolerate the other, even though they may not know each other. Just their mere existence is enough of an irritant....

I've even had situations where one of them wanted to seriously injure and maim the other person. It's just bad business that should TRY to be avoided at all costs. In my case, I've come across so many people in my life, and had so many relationships where I've gotten close to certain people, that it seems I can't avoid things like this happening sometimes. I'm not even all that great so I TRULY don't get it. (You'd think I was some damn gorgeous Playboy model type with some of the triangle drama I've had to endure...sheesh!)
I'm usually left praying that someone will just wake up one day and magically forget that they care about me. Unfortunately, for more than just me, it doesn't work that way. I've got a couple people that I've known for years that are still to this day carrying some kind of a torch for me. I have actually asked what it is about me that's had them hanging on this long, just waiting for the opportunity to prove their feelings. The answer has been pretty much the same...some people seem to think I'm amazing for some reason. I keep trying to tell people that I'm just an average, every day woman. I couldn't be more "plain Jane" if I tried. I hear it told that it's my personality. I guess that being an outgoing, caring, humorous, and loving individual  can sometimes have it's down side.

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