Monday, July 11, 2011

30 Day Love / Truth Challenge DAY 21: Venice...The Romantic Location of my Dreams!

I've been that romantic day dreamer ever since I was a kid. I think that's a normal behavior for young girls. My daydreaming has definitely spilled over into adulthood. I'm always thinking of the fairytale endings despite the things I go through. I figure one day, that man that I've been dreaming about since I was a child, will eventually show up and sweep me off my feet. We'll venture off to the most romantic destination and life will be perfect. Haha, it's a nice dream, isn't it? *Sigh* Maybe one day....
Italy. I've already been there as a child, and I know I wasn't old enough to appreciate the sheer beauty that surrounded me at the time. My mother is Italian, and we had gone to visit my grandparents. My ideal romantic location would be Venice, Italy. I think that in reality, any location can be made romantic if you're with the one you love. However, something about the small streets, quaint sidewalk cafes, narrow draws me in. It all speaks to me of "closeness", and what's more romantic than just being close to the one who has your heart?
 *Huge sigh* A gondola ride while the sun sets? Hello? That SCREAMS romantic! Nothing greater than being snuggled up with your special someone, smooching and talking, with the waves rocking you. Okay, I just drifted somewhere else in my mind with this picture. *Double sigh*

It's my goal in life to make it back to Italy now that I'm an adult. I couldn't appreciate anything as a 10 year old. The 35 year old I am now, would be in awe of everything I saw there. It IS a beautiful place...the culture, the architecture...everything. Mark my words, one fine day...Gina is going to be posting pics of herself...kicked back in a gondola with a cheesy grin on her face!  ;)

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