Sunday, July 10, 2011

30 Day Love / Truth Challenge DAY 20: Long Distance / Internet Love? Do you believe in it? Why / Why not?

Love is love, no matter where you find it or where it starts. Yes, I believe in long distance loves and internet love. Do people realize how many relationships start on the internet these days? It's a crap shoot no matter where you meet people anymore. There's always the possibility of success OR failure whether you meet a person in your local grocery store or on the world wide web. Why limit your options as to where you can meet that person that might be perfect for you?
The cool thing about meeting people is that you can find love with even the biggest differences between you.  ;)
 You can tailor your searches to find people that fit your specific list of criteria LOL
We should all keep our eyes open too, because there's really no telling when that one we thought to be a frog, might actually turn out to be that "prince" in disguise....
I've met so many awesome people online. I really can't stress enough that the good experiences with the internet have FAR outweighed the bad ones. There are bad apples everywhere and we're just as apt to find them at a club, grocery story, a gym, work, as we are on the web. Douchebaggery exists world wide and isn't confined to the virtual world. In my experiences, I've gotten to know people quite well through chatting online. YES, there's ALWAYS the possibility that who you're talking to ISN'T who they say they are. People sometimes like to embellish on the 'net...anything to make themselves look better. Hell, you can find men and women like that right on the corner near your home. There are also good, decent, honest people out there. They're the kind of people you end up feeling blessed to know...the kind of folks you can turn to when times are hard for friendship, comfort and help.

It's rough when you meet someone you hit it off with, especially online, that's not right around the corner from you.
Distance can be a mortal enemy to ANY relationship, whether it bloomed online or elsewhere. No one wants to be away from the person they love and care for. The greater the distance between you, the rougher it is, I'm sure. I've met many people online that I've hit it off with that I would have dated if distance had allowed (and if my non-trusting heart had allowed it). I've met MANY people online (male and female) and have been quite lucky that none of them were bad people (ex. psycho murderers, rapists, etc). They were ALL, in fact, hot messes in some way, because that's the kind of people I like! Gotta keep it interesting! I detest boring people. LOL.
 I've been closer to some people, more than others. That happens of course, even with people you meet away from the 'net. I've been close to some of them for years, and will ALWAYS be that way with them. It's not hard to figure out which loves are true and will always hang around.
Some burn far more intensely than others. Ya wouldn't think it's possible to know what desire and passion feel like when passed through a keyboard, would you? I never thought about it back when I first started playing around in the virtual world MANY years ago, but I eventually found an appreciation for the things that can develop through this form of social interaction. I've known a love through this box, so strong, that it FAR surpassed anything I thought possible. I'd been married and had kids with someone before, and THAT love didn't even come CLOSE to what I felt for my "internet love".

People who truly love one another find a way to make the hard times work, especially when there's distance involved. I guess it all depends on how much you care for that person, and the time, money, and feelings you're willing to invest in any given relationship....
It CAN work, but it would have to be two very trusting and devoted individuals.

No matter how you look at it...if it's love, you do what you have to do....
and never let go of what made you fall for that person to begin with. True love will overcome all obstacles...
*Sigh* I ♥ love! It's a beautiful, painful, precious thing in any form.

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