Wednesday, July 13, 2011

~30 Days of Truth~ DAY 17 : Ever read a book that changed your views on something?

I absolutely love to read and I always have. I used to use books as a great form of escape when I was a kid. I've been sitting here thinking about whether or not I've ever read a book that has honestly made me change my views on something. I cannot think of one for the life of me. I read a lot of fiction books, the occasional biography perhaps, but nothing that would cause my views on anything to alter. (Nothing that I can recall anyway).
The only thing I can think of that comes even REMOTELY close to this topic is having read  a book series that made me seriously never want to read anything from that author again. LOL. That series would be the Dark Tower series by Stephen King. I got completely engrossed in that series. I read straight through all the books, hurrying to get to the end. I was so excited to reach the last few pages of that last book. Man, I have never been so pissed off in my entire life when reading something. I KNEW before reading that last book that something "scream worthy" happened at the end. My roommate had been reading each book before she handed them over to me. She had finished the last book the night before I read it. (Yes, I read the whole damn book in less than 24 hours LOL) The fact that other people that might not have read this series, might happen across this entry is the ONLY reason I do not mention what happened at the end. All I DO know is that the ending made me want to drive all the way up north to find Stephen King and....
That is all.

1 comment:

No Labels said...

I think the only one I haven't read of that series is the very last one. I definitely have to check it out.