Wednesday, July 6, 2011

~30 Days of Truth~ DAY 11: Something people seem to compliment you the most on

I'd definitely say that initially, the compliment I receive most is about my eyes. I never really thought much about what my best physical things were, until the compliments started coming in about my eyes. I'm not the type of female that wears makeup either. I very seldom wear it, so there's nothing helping to draw attention to them. From what I'm told, I don't need anything extra. (I do so love compliments like that. It's always a nice, and much appreciated ego boost. Good thing I've learned how to take the compliments, eh? lol) I'm told they are bedroom eyes. I've only got one picture of myself that I think might even come close to the "bedroom eyes" look, and I'm really NOT about to post it on this blog so all my Facecrack friends can see it. LMAO! (Lord, I'd never hear the end of it from all my freaky friends!) So, sorry folks...that pic isn't going up.Haha.

I think the next physical feature I get compliments is pretty much tied with the compliments for my eyes. This feature wasn't something people got to see much on me for a LONGGGGG time. Being depressed keeps these away...the REAL ones anyway.  There ARE a few people who can bring on the real ones.....
Yup, the smile. I've got friends who have made it their life's work trying to keep one of these on my face. Bless their little hearts. LOL

Last but not least, is the one thing that's not sickening sense of humor. I'm a nut. Everyone that knows me, knows that I talk any way I want to...act like a complete dork, and I am quite happy with myself this way. I don't intend to change. What ya see, is what ya get......  ;)
Anddddd...some of the shit you'll see with me....AIN'T purty!!!!!! Hahaha!
Lord, I remember that day. I was working out to a Billy Blanks video. That was the day Gina became forever more known as "Billy's Bitch!"

Ain't it grand being friends with me? *smirks*

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